S Artists of the Artist Archive

Last updated : February 7, 2002


Scarpini, Elisabetta

Contemporary Art in Tuscany
a Casa di Giorgio
Via Roma 15 / Giusfredi 4
51010 Massa e Cozzile (PT)
Toscana, Italia

tel/fax: 39 - 0572-60321

email: Giorgio V. Stolz-Pizalis giorgio@itatoscana.com


Sharpe, Yolanda R.

Phone: (607) 433-1413
website: http://www.oneonta.edu/~sharpeyr/
email: sharpeyr@snyoneva.cc.oneonta.edu

Silva, Irina

Phone: (831) 427-9267
website: http://www.lmstudio.com/Silva
email: ISilva1061@cs.com



Silveri, Cynthia

Phone: (248) 548-2660
email: csilveri@silveri.com


Silveri, Marco

Phone: (248) 548-2660
email: msilveri@silveri.com


Smith, Nelson

Phone: (248) 547-2116
email: www.ndsmith1@ix.netcom.com

Original text for Conjure, 1997

He is standing in the air, hovering above a large pot on a stove in the middle of the living room of his high-rise apartment. He is standing, hovering clothed in a finely tailored blue business suit. Outside the large living room window is the great skyline of the great city. He does not know what is boiling in the pot but there is a strong unidentifiable aroma. The high-rise apartment building is completely vacant except for him. As the stove becomes hotter, voices begin to emerge from the pot beneath him. They are the voices of his past girlfriends. The room temperature rises yet he does not sweat there, standing in the air above a boiling pot in the living room of his high-rise apartment. He can hear the voices of his past lovers, they are all talking at once; not to each other, but to him. They want to be his lover again, all of them all at once. The pot begins to glow bright red with heat.



Snowden, Gilda

Phone: (313) 961-1934
email: GSnow19543@aol.com

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