Starting a new partnership during the pandemic
UncategorizedStarting a new business during a pandemic isn’t really ideal, but Jamie Saunders and I didn’t have a choice.
Clients were calling each of us asking for it the whole package; design, branding, communications strategy, and content.

We Miss Your Smile
UncategorizedWe miss sharing a laugh, spending time with family and friends, getting together for the casual lunch or an after-work drink. It would be easier if we could get back to "normal," but we're still a ways away from that.
LMstudio is here to support…

Mentoring Matters — Give Back and Get Back
UncategorizedI'm so excited to be part of this wonderful initiative supported by InVision and founded by Felix Lee.✨ I'm looking forward to supporting the design community as a mentor in these challenging times.
Check out the initiative here 👉 https://www.adplist.org

Detroit Under Quarantine
Wayne and Oakland County are ground zero in Michigan for the Coronavirus. LMstudio is in Oakland County, one mile outside the Detroit city limits, so we are in the middle of it all. I have seen photos of the empty city streets, but I had…

Studio Open House and Sale
UncategorizedPlease join us!
Sunday, April 19, 1 - 4:30 PM.
LMstudio — Bob Mirek and Karen Larson
8104 W. Nile Mile • Oak Park, MI 48237
Map: http://www.lmstudio.com/studiomap.htm
Our open house is part of the…

JUNE Email Blast: News and Recent Projects
UncategorizedIt's been a while, but we're committed to staying in touch
with our clients, friends and partners.
We just released out latest studio email:
Check out the latest news here >>>
SIGN-UP for our email blasts now!

Visit LMstudio's new shop on ETSY!
UncategorizedArt is who we are, and art is what we are doing on ETSY!
VISIT: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LMstudioArtandDesign

LMstudio in HOW Magazine!
UncategorizedLink to the complete article: "Detroit's Design Renaissance"
Post by LMstudio | Art & Design.

LMstudio on Facebook
UncategorizedFollow LMstudio on Facebook for our latest news on what's going on in the studio!